Akira's Computational Model

The whole AKIRA's Cognitive Model could be summarized by the
subsequent definition and diagram:

"A set of processes (implemented as threads) concurrent and
cross-linked, carrying procedures to manipulate shared messages (built
with symbols) over a Black-Board (shared data structure), and with
resources (time & memory) changeable at run-time taking part in the
mechanism of giving semantic at the matched symbols

The system is a distributed computational environment in which
each component is an Agent or an Agency of a Complex Agent depending on
the level of detail the programmer choose.
Each simple computational unit is called DAEMON. The run time
environment in which DAEMONS are executed and monitored is called
PANDEMONIUM. Daemons are accessible to programmers that can model their single behaviour using explicitly the C++ language or the AKIRA MACRO LANGUAGE suited with the framework. The macro language contains many of directives, allowing to exploit the most important aspects of computation needed by an entry-level developer.
Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (see the section: Theories)
are provided and accessible through the AKIRA MACRO LANGUAGE. A set
of BDI (Belief Desire Intention) directives is also present. They
are realized in a non standard way with respect to the classical BDI
implementations. Each BDI construct is translated into the system with a
set of distributed activations and constraints that allow to mimic the
classical BDI semantic. The result is an object that at the topmost
level can be "driven" to execute complex actions, basing its reasoning
on high-level, simple to use directives. In this way both fault
tolerance and creative actions are facilitated. So, programmers
find a powerful syntax to implement their own desires; at the same time, the
system has enough freedom to model its own internal parameters in order to
match both programmer's requests and environmental changes.